Pain at Night SOS
Sleeping with physical discomfort can be tough, but we're here to support you with this meditation.
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So pain of any kind can be incredibly difficult to deal with no matter what time of day, but when it happens in the middle of the night, when we wake up feeling pain of some kind, regardless of whether we're used to it or not, can not only be frustrating, but it can also be really overwhelming as well. So the idea of this exercise is to try and get out of some of the thinking around the pain and get into the body and to try and nurture and cultivate the conditions around the discomfort so that we can at least try to eliminate, or alleviate rather, some of the discomfort. But the first thing we need to do is to get ourselves in a position where we think we can remain... Doesn't matter too much, obviously the pain will dictate how you lie down. Lie down in a way that is as comfortable for you as possible, given the situation. And before you do anything else, I would allow just to take a couple of big deep breaths breathing in through the nose. And out through the mouth. We're assuming in this exercise that the pain is of a muscular sort of nature. That is not anything that requires any urgent care or attention. So with that in mind, with each out breath I'm imagining the body letting go of some of that tension. If not the pain itself then perhaps attention around it, where the chow breath just feeling the body sink down into the bed. And you can close your eyes whenever you feel ready. And before we move our attention more specifically to the discomfort, to work with her just slightly to gently place your hand on your stomach notice how the body's breathing. You don't have to breathe in any special way. You can either watch that rise and fall on the stomach. If you're very awake or you're a bit more sleepy lead the eyes closed and just focus on that sensation. And as you follow the breasts, you'll notice that some of the breaths along. Some are short, some feels smooth. Some, a little more irregular. Just using the breath as an anchor as a better way to understand how the body and mind now speaking with each other. So if you'd like you can leave your hand exactly where it is. We're gonna let go of the attention on the breath but sometimes it can be quite comforting just to leave the hand there, just to have some sort of background awareness of that movement of the breath. Well, I'd like you to begin by just noticing where in the body you feel the discomfort and to begin with allow it to be really general. So even if it feels like a very specific point typically there'll be some discomfort around it. So notice the widest part of the body possible that is still experiencing some degree of discomfort or...
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A former Buddhist monk, Andy has guided people in meditation and mindfulness for 20 years. In his mission to make these practices accessible to all, he co-created the Headspace app in 2010.
- More about Eve
Eve is a mindfulness teacher, overseeing Headspace’s meditation curriculum. She is passionate about sharing meditation to help others feel less stressed and experience more compassion in their lives.
- More about Dora
As a meditation teacher, Dora encourages others to live, breathe, and be with the fullness of their experiences. She loves meditation’s power to create community and bring clarity to people’s minds.
- More about Kessonga
Kessonga has been an acupuncturists, therapist, and meditation teacher, working to bring mindfulness to the diverse populations of the world.
- More about Rosie
Rosie Acosta has studied yoga and mindfulness for more than 20 years and taught for over a decade. Rosie’s mission is to help others overcome adversity and experience radical love.
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