Super Grover Flies High

Get cozy in your bed and join Super Grover and Alan, as Super Grover saves the day and soars through fluffy clouds in his imagination.

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Better mental health starts with Headspace. Unrivaled expertise to make life feel a little easier, using guided meditations, mindfulness tips, focus tools, sleep support, and dedicated programs.

Better mental health starts with Headspace

(gentle music) Hi there, it's me, Alan, from "Sesame Street," and you're listening to Good Night, World, a sleep cast where your friends at "Sesame Street" and Headspace Studios help you get ready for bed. Good night, world. Good night, world. Good night, world. Good night, world. Good night, world. Good night, world. Good night, world. Tonight's episode is. Super Grover Flies High. Hey, everyone, it's me, Alan. It's always nice to spend time with my friends here on Sesame Street and, oh, listen to that. (screaming) Yes, it's everybody's favorite hero. (screaming) It's Super Grover. Oh, dear, not again. Are you alright? Oh, yes, I am fine. Yeah, lucky for me, there was a big pile of leaves in the garden for me to land on, although all of these little leaves stuck on my cape are a little tickly. (hysterical laughter) Well, I'm just glad you're okay. What happened? I think I was a little too tired from all of my super flying today to really stick the landing. You had a busy day, huh? As your neighborhood super monster, I, very adorable Super Grover, had a very busy day, flying around, helping people, you know, the usual. It's very kind of you to help out, Super Grover. It is, isn't it? For instance, today, I hope they granny carry her groceries across the street. I only found out later that perhaps she did not need to cross the street, because the grocery was right next door, but she was very happy to cross right back again. I'm sure she was. It's a nice day for a walk. Exactly, that is what I said. And then there was a soccer team that lost their ball in some long, tall grass by the soccer field. You found it for them? Yes, and I kicked it back to them. That was another kind thing to do. Only, of course, I forgot all about my super strength and it went all the way over to the other side of the field, right into the long, tall grass over there. Oh, my goodness. Then what did you do? Well, I found it again, of course, that is what cute, adorable superheroes do, they help people. Oh, I could go on and on about all the heroics I did today. Wow, after such a long day, no wonder you're tired. Ugh, I am, but a superhero's work is never done, so nice talking to you, Alan, but I am off to do more kind of things for our neighbors. See you later. Thanks for stopping by. Yes, well, I am off. (heavy grunting) Up, up and, oh, dear. What's wrong, Grover. I did not seem to have my usual super get up and go, I mean my usual get up and fly. I wonder why that is, Alan. I think I can guess. Oh, I know what you will say. What a wonderful idea, Alan, you think I just need a little more...


Duration20 min

About your teachers

  • A former Buddhist monk, Andy has guided people in meditation and mindfulness for 20 years. In his mission to make these practices accessible to all, he co-created the Headspace app in 2010.

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  • Eve is a mindfulness teacher, overseeing Headspace’s meditation curriculum. She is passionate about sharing meditation to help others feel less stressed and experience more compassion in their lives.

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  • As a meditation teacher, Dora encourages others to live, breathe, and be with the fullness of their experiences. She loves meditation’s power to create community and bring clarity to people’s minds.

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  • Kessonga has been an acupuncturists, therapist, and meditation teacher, working to bring mindfulness to the diverse populations of the world.

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  • Rosie Acosta has studied yoga and mindfulness for more than 20 years and taught for over a decade. Rosie’s mission is to help others overcome adversity and experience radical love.

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