
We believe meditation is for everyone – in fact, the range of people united by the practice is one of the things that makes the Headspace community so unique. Here we hear from the inspiring Rich Roll.

What did you dream about last night?

That I was running on a beautiful trail that never ended. For me that’s a happy dream.

What do you do for a living?

I am an ultra-endurance athlete, a wellness / plant-based nutrition advocate, a bestselling author of two books (iFinding Ultra and The Plantpower Way), a public speaker, podcast host, husband and father of 4 kids.

When did you start using Headspace?

About 6 months ago.

How long have you been meditating for?

On and off for the last 17 years, with varying degrees of consistency

What piece of advice would you give people sitting down to meditate for the first time?

People seem overly focused on technique and form. There is this idea that if your mind wanders, you are failing. The truth is that meditation is failure proof. Awareness that your mind has wandered is an integral aspect of meditation. The important thing is to simply begin.

What’s the best moment of your life?

I could say it was the day I decided to get sober. I could say it was my wedding day, or the days my children were born. I could say it was the day I won stage 1 of the Ultramar World Championships or the day I completed 5 ironman on 5 Hawaiian Islands in under a week. I could also say it was the day I was arrested for drunk driving, the day my first wife left me or the day I didn’t have any money to feed my kids. My point is that some of the days I have labeled my worst days have been divine moments that have catalyzed change and growth to allow me to be who I am today. So I try to reserve judgment on moments and events.

What habit do you want to change?

I am prone to extremes. So I yearn for and strive for more balance in my life.

What’s your favourite sound?

My children’s laughter

What three things would you take with you to a desert island?

My swimming goggles, a copy of Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda and a lighter because there is no way I’m going to figure out how to make fire without one.

Who do you dedicate your practice to?

To serving others to the limits of my capabilities.

Rich Roll is an ultra-athlete, nutrition advocate, podcast host and author based in California. His latest book Plant Power is released on 28th April, 2015.

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